Starting the Conversion Process

If the command-line entry passes the two preprocessing checks without errors, the conversion process begins. If the /s switch is not used, MRBC prompts you to give the monitor type for each bitmap. In the prompt message, the bitmap names are displayed as typed on the command line, either with no path, with a relative path, or with an absolute path.

For example, if you type:

MRBC c:\bitmaps\vga\menu1.bmp \ega\menu2.bmp

and the preprocessing checks pass successfully, MRBC displays the following messages:

Please enter the monitor type for the bitmap c:\bitmaps\vga\menu1.bmp


Please enter the monitor type for the bitmap ..\ega\menu2.bmp

You supply the appropriate response (VGA and EGA in the above examples), and then MRBC creates the output file and writes it to the current directory.

The valid case-insensitive responses to the request for monitor type are CGA, EGA, VGA, and 8514. If you enter a monitor-type option that is not recognized, MRBC displays a warning message reminding you of valid entries.

The number of bitmaps specified on the command line is not limited; however, MRBC supports only the four monitor types mentioned above. At run time, Windows Help version 3.1 selects the best possible bitmap for your monitor type.

In addition to resolution, Windows Help uses color as a selection criterion. Therefore, it is possible, and recommended, to include a color version and a monochrome version of each bitmap in the same .MRB file to ensure compatibility with both monitor types.


MRBC does not check for valid matches between bitmap resolution and the entered option. For example, if you enter VGA for an EGA graphic, MRBC accepts it and marks it as a VGA bitmap. When the bitmap is displayed on a VGA monitor, however, it will not appear as authored. Check .MRB bitmaps on the target monitors to ensure that they display correctly.

If you use the /s switch, the conversion process occurs without your input. Instead, MRBC uses the first character of the input file extension to determine the bitmap resolution. The following table shows how the extensions are mapped.

First character Example MRBC interpretation

C (bitmap.cbm) CGA bitmap
E (bitmap.ebm) EGA bitmap
V (bitmap.vbm) VGA bitmap
8 (bitmap.8bm) 8514 bitmap
other (bitmap.bmp) VGA bitmap

For example, if you type:

MRBC /s house.vga house.ega house.cga house.8xx

MRBC creates a HOUSE.MRB file that consists of VGA, EGA, CGA, and 8514 bitmaps.


As in interactive mode, MRBC does not check for valid matches between bitmap resolution and the entered option. You must match the correct extensions with the correct display resolutions.

In both interactive and silent modes, MRBC accepts * and ? as wildcards for the filenames.

In some cases, the drawing tool that creates bitmaps stores the resolution in the bitmap file itself. MRBC checks all bitmap files to determine whether the resolution is specified. If MRBC finds the resolution specified in the bitmap files, it uses the stored ratio instead of the one you type and displays an informative warning message. MRBC gives this warning message whether the conversion is performed in interactive or silent mode.