Opening Image Files

Before you can add hot spots to a bitmap with Hotspot Editor, you must first create an image file and then open it in Hotspot Editor to edit. To edit more than one image file at a time, open multiple files. Each file appears in its own document window in Hotspot Editor.

Opening New Files

To open a new image file

1.1.From the File menu, choose Open.

The Open dialog box appears.

2.2.If the file is in the current directory, select the name of the file in the Files box.

If the file is not in the current directory, double-click the directory you want in the Directories box, and then select the name of the file in the Files box.

Hotspot Editor displays in the Files box only those files whose extensions match the supported file formats.

The current directory is shown below the File Name box. Double-clicking the two periods [..] at the top of the Directories box shows the files and directories located one level closer to the root directory.

3.3.Choose OK.

Instead of using the Files and Directories boxes to open a file, you can type the complete path in the File Name box, and then click OK.

Opening Previously Edited Files

Hotspot Editor records the last four files you opened. Their paths and filenames are displayed at the bottom of the File menu in Hotspot Editor.

You can open a previously edited file in two ways: either choose the file you want to open from the File menu or type the number that appears to the left of the file you want to open.