Document Conventions

This guide uses the following typographical conventions.

Convention Use
Bold Indicates C language-specific terms and options (for example, WinHelp), and options and commands specific to Windows Help (for example, the ROOT option).
Italic Introduces new terms and indicates placeholders. You provide the actual value for the placeholder.
FULL CAPS Represent filenames (for example, WINHELP.EXE) and commands specific to Windows Help (for example, HELP_CONTENTS).
SMALL CAPS Represent key names (such as ENTER).
KEY+KEY Indicates that you must press the keys at the same time. For example, “Press ALT+F4” means to hold down ALT and press F4.
[brackets] Enclose optional items in syntax statements. For example, [window-name] indicates a window name may be needed in the syntax statement. Type only the information within the brackets, not the brackets themselves.
{braces} Enclose required items in syntax statements. Type only the information within the braces, not the braces themselves.
Semicolon (;) Introduces comments in the Help project file. The Help compiler ignores these lines.
Monospace Represents program code and Help examples.
Horizontal ellipsis (...) Indicates that the item shown might appear more than once.
Vertical ellipsis
Indicates that the example omits a portion of the file or program.