Editing Project Information

You can edit project-level information, including the title of the Help project file, the context ID for the Contents topic, and the version of the compiler to use for the build.

To edit project information

1.1.From the Edit menu, choose Project.

The Project dialog box appears.

2.2.Type the title you want to give to the Help file.

This title appears in the title bar of the Help window when this Help file is opened.

Note The Title box defines the TITLE option for the Help project file.

3.3.Type the context string of the topic you want to designate as the Contents for your Help file.

Note The Contents box defines the CONTENTS option for the Help project file.

4.4.To create a Help file for Windows Help version 3.1, select the 3.1 option button.

If you do not select this option button, the Help Project Editor assumes you are building a version 3.0 Help file. This selection also determines which authoring template Help Author will use to create and edit your topic files.

5.5.Choose OK.