Sample RTF File

The following is an example of a complete (one topic) RTF file that can be compiled by the Help compiler:

{\rtf1\ansi \deff0\deflang1024

{\f0\froman Times New Roman;}
{\f1\froman Symbol;}
{\f2\fswiss Arial;}
{\f3\froman MS Serif;}
{\f4\fswiss MS Sans Serif;}


#{\footnote graphics_cont}
${\footnote Graphics}

\pard\plain \li120\sb340\sa120\sl-320 \f3\fs28 Graphics

\par \pard\plain \li120 \f4\fs20 Use graphic images to illustrate concepts and present 
information visually. Graphics include line art, icons, screen shots of the interface, 
and graphics with hot spots ("hypergraphics").