

The COPYRIGHT option places a custom copyright notice in the About dialog box of Windows Help. Help displays the notice immediately below the Microsoft copyright notice. You can use this option to copyright the material found in your Help file.



Specifies the copyright notice you want to display for users of your Help file. The notice can be any combination of characters, and can have from 35 to 75 characters depending on the characters you use. A notice of 50 characters generally fits in the dialog box.


The copyright notice also appears at the end of text displayed in the Copy dialog box. The notice is appended whenever the user copies text from the original Help file using the Copy command.

If you need to display a longer copyright notice, use the CITATION option.


The following example adds a short copyright notice to the Help file:

COPYRIGHT="Copyright (C) 1992,  Microsoft Corporation."

See Also

CITATION Option, [OPTIONS] Section