Choosing an RTF Editor

When you install the Help Project Editor, it installs Word for Windows or the word processor of your choice as the RTF editor. The editor you choose is saved as an entry in the WIN.INI file. The Help Project Editor uses this entry to open your RTF editor when you choose the Edit File command.

To specify an RTF editor

1.1.From the Edit menu, choose Edit File.

Or double-click the file you want to edit.

The Specify RTF Editor dialog box appears if the Help Project Editor cannot find Word for Windows on your path.

2.2.Type the name and path (including drive and directory) of the RTF editor you want to use.

Or choose the Browse button to find and select an RTF editor.

If you do not have Word for Windows, the Help Project Editor recommends using Notepad, the accessory text editor that comes with Windows.

3.3.Choose OK.

The Help Project Editor saves your choice in the rtf= line in the [EXTENSIONS] section of the WIN.INI file.