Overloaded Statements

The compiler interprets some RTF statements differently from their normal print-based usage. For example, standard RTF specifies that the \uldb statement indicates a double underline, but the Help compiler uses this statement to indicate a hot spot. The following table lists the RTF statements that are overloaded for the Help compiler.

Statement Print-based usage Help compiler usage

\footnote Footnote Special topic commands
\keep Keeps paragraph intact Makes text nonwrapping
\keepn Keeps paragraph with next Creates a nonscrolling region at the top of the topic
\page Creates page break Ends the current topic
\strike Creates strikethrough Indicates a hot spot
\trqc Centers table row with respect to its containing column Uses relative column widths
\ul Creates continuous underline Indicates a link to a pop-up topic
\uldb Creates double underline Indicates a hot spot
\v Creates hidden text Indicates the context string to jump to