Creating Links Between Help Files

If you build a Help system that has more than one Help file, you can link the information together by creating jumps from one Help file to another, or interfile jumps. An interfile jump is simply a jump from a topic in one Help file to a topic in a different Help file. (Jumps like the ones we’ve discussed so far occur within a single Help file. Remember, Help file does not refer to the individual RTF topic files that contain the topics, but to the compiled, binary .HLP file.)


Chapter 16, “The Help Project File,” contains information on building a multifile Help system. Here, it is assumed that you’ve compiled the individual Help files and want to create a jump from one file to another.

You can use several methods to create interfile jump hot spots:

nCreate an interfile jump hot spot

nCreate a macro hot spot and use one of the Jump macros

nHave an application or DLL send an API message to Help requesting a new Help file and topic