The following messages are caused by problems with context string footnotes or with context strings specified in jumps or in Help project file options.
4011 Context string contextname already used.
PROBLEM: The specified context string was previously assigned to another topic.
RESULT: The compiler ignores the duplicate context string, and the topic has no identifier.
SOLUTION: Change the second context string so that it is unique, and then recompile.
4031 Invalid context string contextname.
PROBLEM: The context string footnote contains non-alphanumeric characters or is empty.
RESULT: The compiler does not assign the topic an identifier.
SOLUTION: Change the characters in the context string so that it is valid, and then recompile.
4056 Unresolved context string specified in CONTENTS option.
PROBLEM: The Contents topic defined in the Help project file could not be found.
RESULT: The compiler uses the first topic in the build as the Contents.
SOLUTION: Compare the context string in the CONTENTS option to the context string used in the Contents topic to be sure they are the same. Change one of the strings to match the other, and then recompile.
4072 Context string exceeds limit of 255 characters.
PROBLEM: The context string hidden text cannot exceed 255 characters.
RESULT: The compiler ignores the context string.
SOLUTION: Shorten the context string, and then recompile.
4098 Context string(s) in [MAP] section not defined in any topic.
PROBLEM: The compiler cannot find a context string listed in the [MAP] section in any of the topics in the build.
RESULT: The compiler ignores the line in the [MAP] section. If the application uses that number in the WinHelp function, Help will display the “Help topic not found” error message.
SOLUTION: Check to be sure that all the context strings listed in the [MAP] section are assigned to topics included in the build and that they are all spelled correctly. Then recompile.
4113 Unresolved jump or pop-up contextname.
PROBLEM: The specified topic contains a context string that identifies a nonexistent topic.
RESULT: The Help application displays the “Help topic not found” error message when the user chooses a hot spot with the unresolved context string.
SOLUTION: Check the topic for spelling errors in the context string, and also check to see if the requested topic is included in the build.
4131 Hash conflict between contextname and contextname.
PROBLEM: The hash algorithm has generated the same hash value for both of the listed context strings.
RESULT: The Help application displays the topic with the first context string when the user chooses a hot spot containing either context string.
SOLUTION: Change one of the context strings, and then recompile.
4151 Invalid secondary window name windowname.
PROBLEM: The hot spot contains a window name that is not defined in the Help project file.
RESULT: The hot spot is not active (not hot) in the built Help file.
SOLUTION: Change the window name to a unique name that is eight or fewer characters, and then recompile.
4171 Cannot use secondary window with pop-up.
PROBLEM: The hidden text defining the pop-up identifier contains a secondary window name.
RESULT: The hot spot is not active (not hot) in the built Help file.
SOLUTION: Remove the right angle bracket and secondary window name from the pop-up hot spot, and then recompile.
4196 Jumps and lookups not verified.
PROBLEM: Due to low memory conditions, the Help compiler cannot verify all jump and pop-up hot spots. (The reference to “lookups” (keywords) in the error message is incorrect.)
RESULT: The compiler continues the build but does not verify the validity of jump and pop-up hot spots. The resulting Help file may still be valid.
SOLUTION: Free more memory and then recompile. For suggestions on how to free more memory for the build, refer to the “Getting Around Memory Problems” section in Chapter 17. If you can’t overcome your memory constraints, you may have to compile and test the hot spots manually.