Document Formatting

Windows Help version 3.1 does not support any document formatting statements.

Statement Meaning

\defformat Saves document in RTF format. Not supported.
\deftabn Default tab width. Not supported.
\enddoc Footnotes at end of document. Not supported.
\endnotes Footnotes at end of section. Not supported.
\facingp Facing pages. Not supported.
\fracwidth Fractional character widths. Not supported.
\ftnbj Footnotes at bottom of page. Not supported.
\ftncn Footnote separator for continued footnote notice. Not supported.
\ftnrestart Restart footnote numbers each page. Not supported.
\ftnsep Footnote separator. Not supported.
\ftnsepc Footnote separator for continued footnotes. Not supported.
\ftnstartn Starting footnote number. Not supported.
\ftntj Footnotes beneath text. Not supported.
\guttern Gutter width. Not supported.
\hyphhotz Hyphenation hot zone. Not supported.
\landscape Print in landscape format. Not supported.
\linestartn Starting line number. Not supported.
\makebackup Backup document. Not supported.
\margbn Bottom margin. Not supported.
\margln Left margin. Not supported.
\margmirror Switches margin definitions. Not supported.
\margrn Right margin. Not supported.
\margtn Top margin. Not supported.
\paperhn Paper height. Not supported.
\paperwn Paper width. Not supported.
\pgnstartn Starting page number. Not supported.
\psover Print PostScript over text. Not supported.
\revbarn Vertical revision marks. Not supported.
\revisions Turns on revision marking. Not supported.
\revpropn Revision properties. Not supported.
\widowctrl Enable widow control. Not supported.