Editing Hot Spots

After you create a hot spot, you can select it for editing and then cut, copy, paste, delete, resize, or move it. When editing hot spots, all attributes defined for the hot spot remain with the hot spot.

Selecting Hot Spots

A selected hot spot contains eight sizing handles that you can use to resize the hot-spot rectangle.

To select a hot spot

nClick the hot spot with the left mouse button.

Or press TAB or SHIFT+TAB until you select the hot spot you want.

To select a hot spot using the Select command

1.1.From the Edit menu, choose Select.

The Select dialog box appears. All hot spots defined for the hypergraphic appear in the Hotspots box. By default, Hotspot Editor does not select a hot spot in the list unless one was selected before choosing the Select command. In that case, Hotspot Editor highlights the currently selected hot spot.

2.2.In the Hotspots box, select a hot-spot name.

Hotspot Editor displays the binding information for the selected hot-spot name.

3.3.Choose the Select button.

The hot spot shows eight sizing handles to indicate that the hot spot is selected.

Deleting Hot Spots

To delete a hot spot

1.1.Select the hot spot.

2.2.From the Edit menu, choose Delete.

Or press the DEL key.

Cutting or Copying Hot Spots

Hotspot Editor lets you transfer hot spots to and from the Clipboard using the Cut, Copy, and Paste commands on the Edit menu. Transferring hot spots is useful to:

nCreate multiple versions of the same hot spot with the same attributes.

nMove a hot spot from one image file to another.

nSave time when repeatedly defining hot spots in a hypergraphic.

To cut or copy a hot spot to the Clipboard

1.1.Select the hot spot.

2.2.From the Edit menu, choose Cut or Copy.

Hotspot Editor transfers the selected hot spot to the Clipboard using Hotspot Editor’s proprietary clipboard format.

Pasting Hot Spots

You can paste images or hot spots from the Clipboard into Hotspot Editor. Pasting an image is the same as opening the file. If you paste a hot spot, Hotspot Editor pastes it in the upper-left corner. You can paste a hot spot into the same image file or another image file.

To paste a hot spot

nFrom the Edit menu, choose Paste.

The hot spot is pasted in the upper-left corner of the hypergraphic being edited.

Moving Hot Spots

After you create a hot spot, you can move it anywhere within the current image area.

To move a hot spot

1.1.Select the hot spot.

2.2.Position the mouse pointer in the center of the selected hot spot.

The pointer changes to a hand, indicating that you can move the hot spot.

3.3.Drag the hot spot to the new location and release the mouse button when the hot spot is where you want it.

The hot-spot sizing handles disappear while dragging and reappear when you release the mouse button.


If the Hotspot Editor window is larger than the graphic displayed in the image area, Hotspot Editor does not let you move the hot spot outside the image area. If the window is smaller than the image area (that is, if the window shows scroll bars), Hotspot Editor scrolls in the direction of the attempted move if a hot spot crosses the edge of the scroll bar.

Resizing Hot Spots

The eight sizing handles on a hot spot let you change its size the same way you change the size of a window.

To resize a hot spot

1.1.Select the hot spot.

2.2.Position the mouse pointer on the sizing handle on the border or corner that you want to change.

The pointer changes to a two-headed arrow.

3.3.Drag the sizing handle until the rectangle is the size you want.

If you drag a side handle, the rectangle changes size on only one side, the side of the border you drag. If you drag a corner, the two adjoining sides that form the corner change size at the same time.

4.4.Release the mouse button.