ExportBag is executed from a two topic entry macros in the sample DLLDEMO.HLP Help file. Like the HelloWorld function earlier in this chapter, ExportBag is registered as a Help macro in the DLLDEMO.HPJ Help project file as follows:
The two entry macros in DLLDEMO.RTF that execute ExportBag are coded as follows:
! ExportBag(qchPath, "dlldemo.hpj", "decomp.hpj", qError )
! ExportBag(qchPath, "dlldemo.rtf", "decomp.rtf", qError )
To debug your DLL or observe any of the operations described in this section, you can compile DLLDEMO for the CodeView for Windows symbolic debugger and open the DLL in CodeView while you view the sample title. See the DLLDEMO.C file for specific instructions.