

The OPTCDROM option optimizes a Help file for CD-ROM display by aligning topic files on predefined 2K block boundaries.



Specifies whether the file should be optimized for CD-ROM.


The CD-ROM optimization allows Windows Help to read data from the CD-ROM drive faster and more efficiently. On average, sequential reads from the CD are twice as fast when the topics are aligned using the OPTCDROM option.

The disadvantage to using the OPTCDROM option is that it slightly increases the size of the built Help file (approximately 10K). If you are delivering your Help file on CD-ROM, the extra file size should not be significant, given the large storage capacity of a CD-ROM disc.

Using the OPTCDROM option will also improve performance when Help files are read from a standard hard disk; however, because of the size increase you may not want to use this option if you are shipping your Help file on floppy disks. Help authors must evaluate the size difference and performance improvement of their individual files to decide whether to use this option.


The following example illustrates this option:


See Also

[OPTIONS] Section