
The following statements specify picture formatting.

Statement Meaning

\binn Binary picture data.
\box Boxed picture.
\brdrb Bottom picture border.
\brdrbar Outside picture border.
\brdrdb Double picture border.
\brdrdot Dotted picture border.
\brdrhair Hairline picture border. Not supported.
\brdrl Left picture border.
\brdrr Right picture border.
\brdrs Single-thickness picture border.
\brdrsh Shadow picture border.
\brdrt Top picture border.
\brdrth Thick picture border.
\dibitmapn Device independent bitmap.
\macpict QuickDraw picture. Not supported.
\piccropbn Bottom cropping value. Not supported.
\piccropln Left cropping value. Not supported.
\piccroprn Right cropping value. Not supported.
\piccroptn Top cropping value. Not supported.
\pichgoaln Desired picture height.
\pichn Picture height.
\picscaled Scale picture to fit in frame. Not supported.
\picscalexn Horizontal scaling value. (100)
\picscaleyn Vertical scaling value. (100)
\picwgoaln Desired picture width.
\picwn Picture width.
\wbitmapn Picture type (Default is Windows bitmap).
\wbmbitspixeln Bits per pixel. (1)
\wbmplanesn Number of bitmap color planes. (1)
\wbmwidthbytesn Bitmap width, in bytes.
\wmetafilen Windows metafile.