To differentiate the nonscrolling region from the scrolling region of a topic, Help places a thin line between the two regions. If the scrolling region contains a vertical scroll bar, the scroll bar does not extend beyond the line into the nonscrolling region. The width of the nonscrolling region is the same as the window in which it appears. Therefore, changing the width of the Help window also changes the width of the nonscrolling region.
Any text that appears in the nonscrolling region wraps to fit in the visible portion of the window unless the text has been formatted as nonwrapping. If the nonwrapping text does not fit in the current Help window size, users must make the Help window larger to see it,because the horizontal scroll bar does not scroll text in the nonscrolling region.
The height of the nonscrolling region is determined by the amount of information you include in the nonscrolling region. A nonscrolling region can include any Windows Help feature that appears in the scrolling region, including text, bitmaps, and hot spots. Help includes hot spots from both regions in the tabbing order, the hot spots in the nonscrolling region coming first in the order.
Users can copy or print the information in a nonscrolling region. The information in the nonscrolling region appears first when copied or printed. The line that separates the nonscrolling and scrolling regions is not copied to the Clipboard or printed with the topic.
The background color of the nonscrolling region is determined either by a predefined setting that the author specifies in the [WINDOWS] section of the Help project file or by the user’s default system colors. If the nonscrolling region includes pop-up window hot spots, the background color in the pop-up windows will match the scrolling region rather than the colors in the nonscrolling region.