The following messages are caused by conditions such as MS-DOS file errors or out-of-memory conditions.
5035 File filename not created.
PROBLEM: There are no topics to compile, or the build expression is false for all topics.
RESULT: The compiler does not create a Help file.
SOLUTION: Add a topic filename to the [FILES] section in the Help project file, or change the build expression so that all topics are not excluded from the build, and then recompile.
5059 Not enough memory to build help file.
PROBLEM: The Help compiler does not have enough memory to complete the build process.
RESULT: The compiler does not create a Help file.
SOLUTION: To free memory, unload any unneeded applications, device drivers, and memory-resident programs. You can also turn off compression in the Help project file, replace any inline bitmaps pasted directly in the topic files with bitmap references, or compile under OS/2 rather than MS-DOS.
5075 Help Compiler corrupted. Please reinstall HC.EXE.
PROBLEM: Virus-checking code has detected a corruption in the compiler.
RESULT: The compiler does not run.
SOLUTION: Reinstall the compiler from the original source disk.
5098 Using old key-phrase table.
PROBLEM: The compiler found an existing key-phrase table for the Help file you are building, and the Help project file does not specify not to use the table.
RESULT: The compiler uses the key-phrase table that was generated from an earlier build, instead of creating a new table.
SOLUTION: To achieve maximum compression during a build, you must delete the old key-phrase table (.PH file) before each recompilation, or set the OLDKEYPHRASE option to off.
5115 Write failed.
PROBLEM: Write to disk failed.
RESULT: The compiler aborts the build.
SOLUTION: Contact Microsoft Product Support Services.
5139 Aborted by user.
PROBLEM: The user ended the build prematurely by pressing CTRL+C or CTRL+BREAK. Note: The extended version of the compiler (HCP.EXE) does not display this error message.
RESULT: The Help compiler aborts the build.
SOLUTION: Restart the build when ready.
5000 UNKNOWN ERROR, Contact Microsoft Product Support Services
PROBLEM: This error message is the equivalent of an assertion failure.
RESULT: The compiler aborts the build.
SOLUTION: Contact Microsoft Product Support Services.