
Headings should convey as much information as possible about a topic and help users locate information quickly.


nAlign top-level topic headings flush left. Use 12-point bold type and initial capital letters. We recommend using the MS Sans Serif font. Use the “Heading 1, template style.”

nAlign procedure subheadings flush left and use 10-point bold type. Use an infinitive phrase for procedure subheadings.

Or use a dingbat () to indicate a procedure subheading and do not use bold type.

nDecide on plain text or bold for subheadings (depending on how much bold is used in the Help topics) and apply your decision consistently throughout the Help file. You may want to use different styles for different types of subheadings.

nDo not use a colon after bold headings or subheadings.

nAvoid using color in headings and subheadings, especially when the heading is bold. Colored headings can overpower the visual presentation of the Help file.

nCapitalize the first word of procedure headings.

nTopic titles should have white space around them. Heading styles in the authoring templates automatically add white space. If you must define additional heading styles, use the heading styles in the template as a guide to maintain the appropriate amount of white space.


nMultiple visual cues for headings, such as bold, color, and indentation, can confuse users. Consider using only one visual cue to identify headings. For monochrome support, remember that you cannot rely on color as a visual cue.

nIcons or bitmaps in headings should complement the text. Consider the user’s response to color and size when designing icons.