Within topics, certain terms or concepts often require further explanation. Instead of having Windows Help jump away from the current topic to provide the additional information, you can have Help display the information in a pop-up window on top of the current topic. A pop-up window is a temporary window you can use to display subordinate or complementary information. Pop-up windows have many uses but are very effective when used to display any subordinate information that complements the information in the main topic. Here are a few of the most common uses.
You can use pop-up windows to:
nDisplay glossary definitions of difficult or special terms in the application software or Help file.
nDisplay example text or graphics of information that is explained in the main topic.
nDisplay a list of cross-references for the current topic information.
nComplement a hypergraphic by displaying a brief explanation of the object when the user chooses a hot spot.
nProvide quick context-sensitive Help on dialog box options, commands, and other interface elements in the application.
nDisplay examples, hints, tips, and notes.