To create a secondary window for your Help file or to modify the way the main Help window appears, use the Help Project Editor to define the window characteristics for your Help file.
The Window Definitions dialog box includes all the attributes that you can specify for the main window or for any secondary windows that you create.
Note The Window Definitions dialog box defines the [WINDOWS] section of the Help project file.
To define the main Help window
1.1.From the Edit menu, choose Window Definitions.
The Window Definitions dialog box appears only if you are building a 3.1 Help file.
2.2.In the Window Names box, select “main.”
The name “main” is dimmed in the Name box because you cannot change the name of the primary Help window.
3.3.In the Caption box, type the caption you want to appear in the main window’s title bar.
If you entered a title in the Project dialog box, that title appears in this dialog box as the window caption. You can edit the caption here or in the Project dialog box.
4.4.Specify a background color for the topic and nonscrolling areas, if desired.
5.5.To change the position of the main Help window, select the Set Window Position check box.
The window position options for the main window are not available unless you select this check box.
6.6.Specify the size and position of the main window, if desired.
7.7.To save the changes without closing the dialog box, choose the Define button.
Or choose OK to save the changes and close the dialog box.
To define a secondary window
1.1.From the Edit menu, choose Window Definitions.
The Window Definitions dialog box appears.
2.2.In the Window Names box, select New Window.
3.3.In the Name box, type the name you want to give to the secondary window.
The default name “new” appears in the Name box when you select a New Window class. You can edit this name or type over it.
4.4.To create the window definition, choose the Define button.
5.5.In the Caption box, type the caption you want to appear in the window’s title bar.
The default caption “New Window” appears in the Caption box when you select a New Window class. You can edit this name or type over it.
6.6.If you want the secondary window to stay on top of other windows while the user has this Help window open, select the Stay On Top check box.
7.7.Specify a background color for the topic and nonscrolling areas, if desired.
8.8.Specify the size and position of the secondary window.
9.9.To save the changes without closing the dialog box, choose the Define button.
Or choose OK to save the changes and close the dialog box.
You can specify the background color for the main topic area and the nonscrolling region of a window.
To specify background colors
1.1.From the Edit menu, choose Window Definitions.
The Window Definitions dialog box appears.
2.2.In the Window Names box, select a window name.
3.3.From the Background Colors drop-down box, choose the color you want.
Or choose Other to pick a custom color from the Windows Color dialog box.
4.4.From the Nonscrolling Region drop-down box, choose the color you want.
Or choose Other to pick a custom color from the Windows Color dialog box.
An example of your selection for each background color appears in the display box to the left of the color box.
The default selection means that Windows Help will match the user’s default screen color.
You can indicate the exact size and location of any Help window.
To set a window’s size and position
1.1.From the Edit menu, choose Window Definitions.
The Window Definitions dialog box appears.
2.2.In the Window Names box, select a window name.
3.3.To manually set the size and position of the main window, select the Set Window Position check box, and then use the simulated window. (For more information, see the following sections.)
If you are setting the position of a secondary window, the Set Window Position check box is automatically chosen for you.
Or define the window’s size and placement by typing the coordinates in the four boxes to the left of the Window Position control area. The simulated window adjusts dynamically as you type.
The Window Position control area consists of two rectangles: the large rectangle represents your total screen area, and the inside rectangle represents the window you are defining. The sizing handles let you change the window size directly by using the mouse.
To move the simulated window
1.1.Position the mouse pointer inside the window, and then press and hold down the mouse button.
2.2.Drag the window where you want it.
As you move the simulated window or change its size, the coordinates to the left show the exact coordinates of the window placement.
To resize the simulated window
nDrag a sizing handle in the direction you want to change the window.
As you move the simulated window or change its size, the coordinates to the left show the exact coordinates of the window placement.
You can delete any secondary window definition that you create.
To delete a window definition
1.1.From the Edit menu, choose Window Definitions.
The Window Definitions dialog box appears.
2.2.In the Window Names box, select the name of the window you want to delete.
The Delete button will dim if you select the “main” or the “New Window” class because you cannot delete those definitions.
3.3.Choose the Delete button.