Macro Hot Spot Guidelines

When creating macro hot spots, follow these guidelines:

nThe macro hot-spot text can have as many as 512 characters, including any embedded spaces.

nBe sure no spaces exist between the double-underlined macro hot spot text and the hidden text macro string. For example, the following is correct:

The following is incorrect:

nYou can specify more than one macro to be executed by separating them with a semicolon or colon, as in the following example:

!ChangeButttonBinding("btn_contents", "JumpID(`hgcd.hlp', `acc_idx_hg')");EnableButton("btn_up");ChangeButttonBinding("btn_up", "JumpID(`cdcd.hlp', `hlpidx_idx_card')")

nIf you place the macro string at the end of a paragraph or at the end of a line with a soft carriage return (SHIFT+ENTER), format the paragraph or carriage-return mark as normal text (don’t format it as hidden text).

nYou can execute any macro listed in Chapter 15, “Help Macro Reference,” from a macro hot spot; however, if the topic is to be displayed in a secondary window, the macro may be ignored or cause undesirable behavior.