Windows Help lets users search for Help information by keyword, which is similar to searching through a book index. The purpose of the Search button in Windows Help version 3.1 is to create a consistent way to create an online index for Help files. Book indexes have proven to be very effective ways for people to look up information. In an electronic document, such as a Help file, users also need an easy way to find specific information. The Search button gives users the electronic equivalent of a book index.
Users search for information by looking up the keywords an author has defined for the Help topics. For example, a user might look up all the topics that have the keyword “save” associated with them. Those topics should provide information about saving different kinds of items, such as files and documents (Figure 1.26).
The Search dialog box has an edit field, two list boxes, and three command buttons:
nThe edit box is used to type a keyword for the search. As the user types in the edit field, the keyword list scrolls automatically to match the user’s entry or the closest letter to that entry. For example, typing the letter S scrolls the keyword list to the first keyword beginning with S. The keyword highlight moves forward in the list box whenever it has a match closer to what the user is typing. If a user performs a search and goes to the topic, the previous search keyword will be entered automatically in the edit box.
nThe top list box contains all the keywords in the Help file. Six keywords show in the list box at one time. Clicking a keyword in the list box enters it in the edit box. Double-clicking an entry selects the keyword and performs the search.
nThe Show Topics button performs the search using the keyword in the edit box. A user can press ENTER after selecting a keyword.
nThe lower list box shows all the topics found by the search. Approximately seven entries will fit in the list box. If more topics are found, the user can scroll to see more topics. Clicking a topic selects it. Double-clicking a topic title displays that topic (same as selecting the topic and choosing Go To).
nThe Go To button displays the topic the user has selected in the Topics Found list box and closes the Search dialog box. After a user chooses Show Topics, the user can press ENTER again to go to the topic. This double-return action in the dialog box allows for quick searches. Or, users can search quickly by typing a keyword and pressing ENTER twice to go to the first topic displayed in the Topics Found list.
nThe Cancel button dismisses the dialog box. (The Cancel button changes to Close if the user has already performed a search.)
Users can move the Search dialog box if they want. Changes to the dialog box location are recorded in the [Windows Help] section of the WIN.INI file.
All applications included with Windows version 3.1, such as Program Manager, File Manager, Write, and so on, have a Search For Help On command on the Help menu. Choosing the Search For Help On command from an application’s Help menu is the same as choosing the Search button in the Help button bar.
To search for a Help topic by keyword
1.1.Choose the Search button.
The Search dialog box appears (Figure 1.27).
If the user has performed a search during this session, the previous keyword is displayed in the edit box.
2.2.Type a keyword, or select one from the keyword list.
You can use your keyboard to move quickly to different parts of the list. The list scrolls to those keywords that most closely match what you are typing in the text box.
3.3.Choose the Show Topics button.
A list of topics associated with that keyword appears in the lower list box, as in Figure 1.28.
4.4.Select the topic you want, and then choose the Go To button to jump to the selected topic.
Or double-click the topic you want.