The Back Button

The Back button has the same functionality as in Help version 3.0: it keeps track of every topic users look at from the time they open Help until they close it and stores these topics in a “back” list. Choosing the Back button displays the topic that was previously displayed in the Help window (Help goes back one item in the back list). Choosing Back repetitively causes Help to back up one screen at a time along the path the user has followed.

In other words, Back lets users go back to topics they have already viewed, in the order they viewed them, without forcing them to remember anything about the topic or how they got there. Back simply retraces the steps the user has taken. So, in one sense, Back is like a screen recorder and playback mechanism combined into a single button.

Back functions in the current file as well as across files, so if a user opens or jumps to a different file, backing up reopens an inactive file to display a previously viewed topic. However, the Back list is cleared when the user closes Help. If there is no previous topic to view, the Back button is dimmed.

To go back to the previous topic

nChoose the Back button.

To back up to a previously viewed topic

nChoose the Back button repeatedly until you return to the topic you want to see.