

The bmc statement displays a specified bitmap or metafile in the current line of text. The statement positions the bitmap or metafile as if it were the next character in the line, aligning it on the base line and applying the current paragraph properties.



Specifies the name of a file containing either a Windows bitmap, a placeable Windows metafile, a multiresolution bitmap, or a segmented graphics bitmap.


Since the bmc statement is not a standard RTF statement, the Microsoft Help Compiler relies on the opening and closing braces, including the backslashes (\), to distinguish the statement from regular text.

If a file containing a metafile is specified, the file must contain a placeable Windows metafile; the Help compiler will not accept standard Windows metafiles. Furthermore, Windows Help sets the MM_ANISOTROPIC mode prior to displaying the metafile, so the placeable Windows metafile must either set the window origin and extents or set some other mapping mode.


The following example inserts a bitmap representing a keyboard key in a paragraph:

Press the \ key to return to the main window.

See Also

bml, bmr, \wbitmap