

The \box statement draws a box around the current paragraph or picture. The statement applies to all subsequent paragraphs or pictures up to the next \pard statement.


For paragraphs, Windows Help uses the height of the paragraph, excluding space before or after the paragraph, as the height of the box. For pictures (as defined by \pict statements), Windows Help uses the specified height of the picture as the height of the box. For both paragraphs and pictures, the width of the box is equal to the space between the left and right indents.

Windows Help draws the box using the current border style.


The following example draws a box around the paragraph:

\par \box
{\b Note}  Setting the Auto option frees novice users from
determining their system configurations.
\par \pard

See Also

\brdrb, \brdrl, \brdrr, \brdrt, \pard