Changing the Standard Help Icon

The standard Windows Help icon is a yellow question mark. You can replace this icon with a custom icon; use any .ICO icon file that you create with Windows Imagedit or another icon program.

To change the Help icon

1.1.Open the group in Program Manager that contains the Help program item and select the Help icon.

2.2.From the File menu, choose Properties.

3.3.In the Program Item Properties dialog box, choose the Change Icon button.

4.4.If more than one icon is available in the Current Icon area, scroll through the icons by clicking the scroll arrows or by using the LEFT and RIGHT ARROW keys.

If you would like more icons to choose from, you can scroll through all the available Program Manager icons. Or you can use the Browse button to select an icon from a directory on your hard disk or floppy drive, if you have other icons to choose from.

5.5.When the icon you want to use is selected, choose OK.

6.6.In the Program Item Properties dialog box, choose OK.