Secondary Windows

A secondary window is an independent Help window that has a title bar and scroll bars but no menu bar. Secondary windows are resizable and moveable, and they remain open until closed by the user, whether or not the main Help window is open.


nUse the same formatting guidelines that apply to the main Help window. This includes use of nonscrolling regions and graphics.

nWhen deciding on a size for a secondary window, consider the amount of information that will appear in the window. Avoid forcing the reader to scroll horizontally.

nIf you define more than one type of secondary window, make sure each type appears in a consistent location and in a consistent size unless the purpose of the window requires special placement or sizing.

When varying size, it is better to vary the height of secondary windows than their width. Having secondary windows appear in too many locations or in too many sizes can create an unnecessary distraction for the user.

The following example demonstrates how inconsistent sizing and placement of secondary windows are distracting (Figure 4.x).

nDon’t define secondary windows to appear always on top since the user cannot override this author-defined setting.

nBe consistent when using jumps from secondary windows. If not handled carefully, jumps from secondary windows can disorient the user, contributing to the “lost in hyperspace” syndrome.

Remember that secondary windows do not have a button bar—if you jump from one topic to another in a secondary window, consider adding a Back button (or a link to the previous topic) in the window.

nUse secondary windows to display information from jumps in running text. This retains the original context in the main Help window while giving the user access to the additional information in the secondary window.


nSecondary windows don’t automatically close when you close the main Help window. It’s a good idea to add a CloseWindow macro (tied to a hot spot) to give users an easy way to close the secondary window.You can use a hypergraphic to simulate a Close button in a secondary window (Figure 4.x).

nGood uses for secondary windows are glossaries, procedures, examples, sample code, indexes, alphabetic lists, or other information the user may want to have available with or without the main Help window.

nSecondary windows do not have the ability to print or copy their contents to the Clipboard. You may want to add macros that perform these tasks, especially if you are using the secondary window for sample code or examples. You can add these macros by simulating buttons with graphics or with jump hot spots (Figure 4.x).