The Template Style Sheet

The style sheet included with the Help Authoring Templates contains the standard styles Microsoft recommends for creating Help files. They are provided to enable Help authors to format all the text and graphic elements of a Help file without having to go through the time and effort of creating a style sheet from scratch. Of course, the existing styles can be modified and additional styles can be created if your Help system requires those changes. But these styles should provide a good starting place for any style sheet, no matter how sophisticated.

The following table describes each style included in the style sheet.

Style Definition Used for

bitmap Font: MS Sans Serif (or Helv) 10 Point, Indent: Left 6pt Flush left, Line Spacing Auto, Space Before 6 pt After 6 pt, Next style: Normal Bitmaps that occur alone in a paragraph
Ex Font: Courier (or Letter Gothic) 8 Point, Indent: Left 6pt Flush left, Line Spacing: Exactly 12 pt, Space Before 3pt, Keep Lines Together, Tab stops: 26pt; 46pt; 66pt; 86pt; 106pt, Next style: Ex Programming code examples and ASCII text
heading 1 Font: MS Sans Serif (or Helv) 12 Point, Bold, Indent: Left 6pt Flush left, Line Spacing: Exactly 16pt, Space Before 14pt, After 6pt, Next style: Normal 2 Topic titles
heading 2 Font: MS Sans Serif (or Helv) 10 Point, Bold, Indent: Left 6pt Flush left, Line Spacing: Exactly 12 pt, Space Before 6pt After 3pt, Next style: Normal Bold subheadings (procedures, notes, comments, hints, tips, and examples)
heading 3 Font: MS Sans Serif (or Helv) 10 Point, Indent: Left 6pt Flush left, Line Spacing: Exactly 12 pt, Space Before 6pt After 3pt, Next style: Normal Plain subheadings (procedures, notes, comments, hints, tips, and examples)
heading 4 Font: MS Sans Serif (or Helv) 10 Point, Indent: Left 18pt First -12.25 pt Flush left, Line Spacing: Exactly 12 pt, Space Before 6pt After 3pt, Next style: Normal Plain subheadings
Jl Font: MS Sans Serif (or Helv) 10 Point, Indent: Left 18pt First -12 pt Flush left, Line Spacing: Exactly 12 pt, Space Before 3pt, Next style: Jl Lists of jumps
Jli Font: MS Sans Serif (or Helv) 10 Point, Indent: Left 30pt First -12pt Flush left, Line Spacing: Exactly 12 pt, Space Before 3pt, Next style: Jli Indented lists of jumps
Lb1 Font: MS Sans Serif (or Helv) 10 Point, Indent: Left 18pt First -12pt Flush left, Line Spacing: Exactly 12 pt, Tab stops: 18pt, Next style: Lb2 The first item in a bulleted or numbered list
Lb2 Font: MS Sans Serif (or Helv) 10 Point, Indent: Left 18pt First -12pt Flush left, Line Spacing: Exactly 12 pt, Space Before 3pt, Tab stops: 18pt, Next style: Lb2 Succeeding items in a bulleted or numbered list
Lp1 Font: MS Sans Serif (or Helv) 10 Point, Indent: Left 18pt Flush left, Line Spacing: Exactly 12 pt, Space Before 3pt, Next style: Lb2 Paragraphs within a bulleted or numbered list
Normal Font: MS Sans Serif (or Helv) 10 Point, Indent: Left 6pt Flush left, Line Spacing: Exactly 12 pt, Space Before 4pt, Next style: Normal Body text
Normal 2 Font: MS Sans Serif (or Helv) 10 Point, Indent: Left 6pt Flush left, Line Spacing: Exactly 12 pt, Next style: Normal Paragraphs following topic titles
Normal3 Font: MS Sans Serif (or Helv) 10 Point, Indent: Left 5.75pt Flush left, Line Spacing: Exactly 12 pt, Space Before 10pt, Next style: Normal Table text
Normal Indent Font: MS Sans Serif (or Helv) 10 Point, Indent: Left 18pt Flush left, Line Spacing: Exactly 12 pt, Space Before 4pt, Next style: Normal Indented paragraphs
Sa1 Font: MS Sans Serif (or Helv) 10 Point, Indent: Left 6pt Flush left, Line Spacing: Exactly 12 pt, Space Before 8pt, Next style: Jl “See Also” subheadings
Sa2 Font: MS Sans Serif (or Helv) 10 Point, Indent: Left 6pt Flush left, Line Spacing: Exactly 12 pt, Space Before 6pt, Next style: Jl Subheadings below “See Also” subheading
Th Font: MS Sans Serif (or Helv) 10 Point, Bold, Indent: Left 5.75pt Flush left, Line Spacing: Exactly 12 pt, Space Before 6pt After 2pt, Border: Bottom (Single), Next style: Tp Table heading
Th2 Font: MS Sans Serif (or Helv) 10 Point, Indent: Left 5.75pt Flush left, Line Spacing: Exactly 12 pt, Space Before 6pt After 2pt, Border: Bottom (Single), Next style: Tp Table heading, not bold
Th3 Font: MS Sans Serif (or Helv) 8 Point, Bold, Indent: Left 5.75pt Flush left, Line Spacing: Exactly 12 pt, Space Before 6pt After 2pt, Border: Bottom (Single), Next style: Tp Table heading, 8-pt font
Tp Font: MS Sans Serif (or Helv) 10 Point, Indent: Left 5.75pt Flush left, Line Spacing: Exactly 12 pt, Space Before 3pt, Next style: Tp Paragraphs within two-column lists and hanging-indent tables