Editing Topic Information

You can edit any topic in the file whether or not you created it using the Help Authoring Templates.

To edit a topic’s footnote information

1.1.Place the insertion point anywhere inside the boundaries of the topic you want to edit.

Note Because Help topics are separated by page breaks, the current topic is defined by everything that appears between two page breaks.

2.2.From the Edit menu, choose Topic.

The Edit Topic dialog box appears; any information previously entered in the topic is displayed in the appropriate text boxes.

Note Information in footnotes not at the beginning of the topic or not supported by the authoring templates do not appear in the dialog box.

3.3.Edit the information displayed in the Title, Context String, Keywords, Browse Sequence, Build Tag, Entry Macro, and Comment boxes.

Or type the appropriate information if the box is empty and you are adding the feature.

Note Keywords must be entered in this text box exactly as they would be entered in a footnote window. You must separate each keyword with a semicolon.

4.4.Choose OK.