
  VOID MapGenericMask(AccessMask, GenericMapping)    
  PDWORD AccessMask;    
  PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping;    

The MapGenericMask function maps all generic accesses within an access mask to specific and standard accesses. The function applies a specified mapping.

The resulting mask has none of its generic bits (GenericRead, GenericWrite, GenericExecute, or GenericAll) or undefined bits set, but may have other bits set. If bits other than the generic bits are provided on input, the mapping will not clear them.



Pointer to an access mask within which the function will map accesses.


Pointer to a GENERIC_MAPPING data structure that is a mapping of generic access types to specific and standard access types.

Return Value

This function does not return a value.

See Also

AreAllAccessesGranted, AreAnyAccessesGranted