
  BOOL CALLBACK EnumResNameProc(hModule, lpszType, lpszName, lParam)    
  HANDLE hModule; /* module containing resources */
  LPCTSTR lpszType; /* resource type */
  LPTSTR lpszName; /* resource name */
  LONG lParam; /* application-defined parameter */

The EnumResNameProc function is an application-defined callback function that receives resource names as a result of a call to the EnumResourceNames function.



Identifies the module whose executable file contains the resource names being enumerated. If this parameter is NULL, the function is enumerating the resources in the image file that was used to create the current process.


Points to a null-terminated string that represents the type name of the resource being enumerated. For predefined resource types, this parameter will be one of the following values:

Value Meaning

RT_ACCELERATOR Accelerator table
RT_BITMAP Bitmap resource
RT_DIALOG Dialog box
RT_FONT Font resource
RT_FONTDIR Font directory resource
RT_MENU Menu resource
RT_RCDATA User-defined resource (raw data)
RT_STRING String-table entry
RT_MESSAGETABLE Message-table entry
RT_CURSOR Hardware-dependent cursor resource
RT_GROUP_CURSOR Hardware-independent cursor resource
RT_ICON Hardware-dependent icon resource
RT_GROUP_ICON Hardware-independent icon resource
RT_VERSION Version resource


Points to a null-terminated string that represents the name of the resource being enumerated.


Specifies the application-defined parameter passed to the EnumResourceNames function.

Return Value

The callback function returns TRUE to continue enumeration; to stop enumeration, it returns FALSE.


EnumResNameProc is a placeholder for the application-defined function name.

The EnumResNameProc function may be used as either a wide-character function (where text arguments must use Unicode) or an ANSI function (where text arguments must use characters from the Windows 3.x character set installed).

See Also
