61.4.2 Drawing Tools

Drawing-tool functions create and delete the drawing tools that GDI uses when it creates output on a device or display surface. The following list briefly describes each drawing-tool function:

Function Description

CreateBrushIndirect Creates a brush with specified attributes
CreateDIBPatternBrush Creates a logical brush that has a pattern defined by a device-independent bitmap (DIB)
CreateDIBPatternBrushPt Creates a brush from a DIB
CreateHatchBrush Creates a hatched brush
CreatePatternBrush Creates a logical brush that has a pattern defined by a memory bitmap
CreateSolidBrush Creates a solid brush with a specified color
GetBrushOrg Retrieves the origin of the current brush
GetBrushOrgEx Retrieves the origin of the current brush
SetBrushOrg Sets the origin of the current brush
CreatePen Creates a logical pen
CreatePenIndirect Creates a pen using a LOGPEN structure
ExtCreatePen Creates a pen with style, width and brush