31.2.22 String

The string functions allow an application to manipulate strings, and convert between various character sets.

The string functions include:

Function Description

AnsiLower Converts a character string to lowercase
AnsiLowerBuff Converts a character string in a buffer to lowercase
AnsiNext Returns a long pointer to the next character in a string
AnsiPrev Returns a long pointer to the previous character in a string
AnsiToOem Converts an ANSI string to an OEM character string
AnsiToOemBuff Converts an ANSI string in a buffer to an OEM character string
AnsiUpper Converts a character string to uppercase
AnsiUpperBuff Converts a character string in a buffer to uppercase
CharLower Converts the given string to lower case
CharLowerBuff Converts the given string to lower case
CharNext Moves to the next character in a string
CharPrev Moves to the previous character in a string
CharToOem Translates the given string to an OEM character set
CharToOemBuff Translates the given string to an OEM character set
CharUpper Converts the given string to upper case
CharUpperBuff Converts the given string to upper case
IsCharAlpha Determines whether a character is alphabetical
IsCharAlphaNumeric Determines whether a character is alphanumeric
IsCharLower Determines whether a character is lowercase
IsCharUpper Determines whether a character is uppercase
LoadString Loads a string resource
lstrcat Concatenates two strings identified by long pointers
lstrcmp Performs a case-sensitive comparison of two strings identified by long pointers
lstrcmpi Performs a case-insensitive comparison of two strings identified by long pointers
lstrcpy Copies one string to another; both strings are identified by long pointers
lstrlen Determines the length of a string identified by a long pointer
OemToAnsi Converts an OEM character string to an ANSI string
OemToAnsiBuff Converts an OEM character string in a buffer to an ANSI string
OemToChar Translates the given string from an OEM character set
OemToCharBuff Translates the given string from an OEM character set
wsprintf Formats and stores a series of characters and values in a buffer
wvsprintf Formats and stores a series of characters and values in a buffer