31.2.23 Window Management

The window management functions allow an application to create, display, move, size, destroy and otherwise manage windows.

The window functions include:

Function Description

AdjustWindowRect Computes the size of a window to fit a given client area
AdjustWindowRectEx Computes a required size for a window.
AnyPopup Indicates whether any pop-up window exists
CloseWindow Hides the specified window or minimizes it
EnableWindow Enables and disables mouse and keyboard input throughout the application
EnumChildWindows Enumerates the child windows that belong to a specific parent window
EnumThreadWindows Enumerates windows for a thread.
EnumWindows Enumerates windows on the display
FindWindow Returns the handle of a window with the given class and caption
GetActiveWindow Returns a handle to the active window
GetClassInfo Retrieves information about a specified class
GetClassLong Retrieves window-class information from a WNDCLASS structure
GetClassName Retrieves a window-class name
GetClassWord Retrieves window-class information from a WNDCLASS structure
GetClientRect Copies the coordinates of a window's client area
GetDesktopWindow Gets the current desktop window handle.
GetFocus Retrieves the handle of the window that currently owns the input focus
GetLastActivePopup Determines which popup window owned by another window was most recently active
GetNextWindow Returns a handle to the next or previous window
GetParent Retrieves the handle of the specified window's parent window
GetTopWindow Returns a handle to the top-level child window
GetWindow Returns a handle from the window manager's list
GetWindowLong Retrieves information about a window
GetWindowRect Copies the dimensions of an entire window
GetWindowTask Returns the handle of a task associated with a window
GetWindowText Copies a window caption into a buffer
GetWindowTextLength Returns the length (in characters) of the given window's caption or text
GetWindowThreadProcessIdnew Retrieves the ids of the thread and process for a window.
GetWindowWord Retrieves information about a window
IsChild Determines whether a window is the descendent of a specified window
IsIconic Specifies whether a window is open or closed (iconic)
IsWindow Determines whether a window is a valid, existing window
IsWindowEnabled Determines whether the specified window is enabled for mouse and keyboard input
IsWindowUnicode Determines whether the window is ANSI or Unicode
IsWindowVisible Determines whether the given window is visible
LockWindowUpdate Enables drawing in a window.
OpenIcon Opens the specified window
PtVisible Tests whether a point lies in a region
RectVisible Determines whether part of a rectangle lies in a region
RedrawWindow Updates the specified area.
RegisterClass Registers a window class
SetActiveWindow Makes a window the active window
SetClassLong Replaces information in a WNDCLASS structure
SetClassWord Replaces information in a WNDCLASS structure
SetFocus Assigns the input focus to a specified window
SetInputFocus Sets the input focus to the specified thread or window
SetParent Changes the parent window of a child window
SetSysModalWindow Makes the specified window a system modal window
SetWindowLong Changes a window attribute
SetWindowText Sets the window caption or text
SetWindowWord Changes a window attribute
ShowOwnedPopups Shows or hides all pop-up windows
ShowWindow Displays or removes the given window
UnregisterClass Removes a window class from the window-class table
UpdateWindow Notifies the application when parts of a window need redrawing
CreateWindow Creates overlapped, pop-up, and child windows“
CreateWindowEx Creates overlapped, pop-up, and child windows with extended styles”
DestroyWindow Destroys a window
BeginDeferWindowPos Initializes memory used by the DeferWindowPos function
BringWindowToTop Brings a window to the top of a stack of overlapped windows
DeferWindowPos Records positioning information for a window to be moved or resized by the EndDeferWindowPos function
EndDeferWindowPos Positions or sizes several windows simultaneously based on information recorded by the DeferWindowPos function
IsZoomed Determines whether a window is maximized
MoveWindow Changes the size and position of a window
SetWindowPos Changes the size, position, and ordering of child or pop-up windows
WindowFromPoint Identifies the window containing a specified point
ScreenToClient Converts screen coordinates into client coordinates
ChildWindowFromPoint Determines which child window contains a specific point
ClientToScreen Converts client coordinates into screen coordinates