Chapter 32 Windows

This overview is not available for this release.

When it is complete, the overview will discuss the following functions:

Function Description

AdjustWindowRect Computes required size of window rectangle
AdjustWindowRectEx Computes required size of window rectangle
AnyPopup Indicates if a popup window exists
ArrangeIconicWindows Arranges minimized child windows
BeginDeferWindowPos Creates a window-position structure
BringWindowToTop Uncovers an overlapped window
CallWindowProc Passes a message to a window function
CBTProc Allows CBT application to prevent an operation
ChildWindowFromPoint Determines the window containing a point
CloseWindow Minimizes a window
CreateWindow Creates a window
CreateWindowEx Creates a window
DeferWindowPos Updates a multiple window position structure
DefWindowProc Calls the default window procedure
DestroyWindow Destroys a window
EndDeferWindowPos Updates position and size of multiple windows
EnumChildProc Processes child window handles during enumeration
EnumChildWindows Passes child-window handles to callback function
EnumThreadWindows Returns thread windows
EnumWindows Returns parent windows
EnumWindowsProc Processes parent window handles during enumeration
FindWindow Returns window handle for class and window name
GetClientRect Returns window client area coordinates
GetDesktopWindow Returns desktop window handle
GetForegroundWindow Returns handle for foreground window
GetLastActivePopup Determines most recently active pop-up window
GetNextWindow Returns next or previous window-manager window
GetParent Returns parent window handle
GetTopWindow Returns handle for top child of given window
GetWindow Returns specified window handle
GetWindowLong Returns long value from extra window memory
GetWindowRect Returns window coordinates
GetWindowText Copies window title-bar text to a buffer
GetWindowTextLength Returns length of window title-bar text
GetWindowThreadProcessId Returns window thread and process IDs
GetWindowWord Returns word value from extra window memory
IsChild Determines if a window is a child
IsIconic Determines if a window is minimized
IsWindow Determines if a window handle is valid
IsWindowUnicode Determines if a window uses Unicode
IsWindowVisible Determines if a window exists on the screen
IsZoomed Determines if a window is maximized
MoveWindow Changes the position and dimensions of a window
OpenIcon Activates a minimized window
SetForegroundWindow Puts a window in the foreground
SetParent Changes a child's paren window
SetWindowLong Sets a long value in extra window memory
SetWindowPos Sets a windows size, position, and order
SetWindowText Sets text in a caption title or control window
SetWindowWord Sets a word value in extra window memory
ShowOwnedPopups Shows or hides pop-up windows
ShowWindow Sets window visibility state
WindowFromPoint Returns window containing a point
WindowProc Processes input to a window
EnumTaskWindows Obsolete
EnumTaskWndProc Obsolete
GetWindowTask Obsolete