
  BOOL DdePostAdvise(idInst, hszTopic, hszItem)    
  DWORD idInst; /* instance identifier */
  HSZ hszTopic; /* handle of topic-name string */
  HSZ hszItem; /* handle of item-name string */

The DdePostAdvise function causes the system to send an XTYP_ADVREQ transaction to the calling (server) application's dynamic data exchange (DDE) callback function for each client that has an advise loop active on the specified topic or item name pair. A server application should call this function whenever the data associated with the topic or item name pair changes.



Specifies the application-instance identifier obtained by a previous call to the DdeInitialize function.


Identifies a string that specifies the topic name. To send notifications for all topics with active advise loops, an application can set this parameter to NULL.


Identifies a string that specifies the item name. To send notifications for all items with active advise loops, an application can set this parameter to NULL.

Return Value

The return value is nonzero if the function is successful. Otherwise, it is zero.


Use the DdeGetLastError function to retrieve the error value, which may be one of the following:



A server that has nonenumerable topics or items should set the hszTopic and hszItem parameters to NULL so that the system will generate transactions for all active advise loops. The server's DDE callback function returns NULL for any advise loops that do not need to be updated.

If a server calls DdePostAdvise with a topic/item/format name set that includes the set currently being handled in a XTYP_ADVREQ callback, a stack overflow may result.

See Also
