The following code fragment shows how to open a RIFF file for buffered I/O, as well as how to descend, ascend, and read RIFF chunks.
/* ReversePlay--Plays a WAVE waveform audio file backwards
void ReversePlay()
char szFileName[128]; // filename of file to open
HMMIO hmmio; // file handle for open file
MMCKINFO mmckinfoParent; // parent chunk information structure
MMCKINFO mmckinfoSubchunk; // subchunk information structure
DWORD dwFmtSize; // size of "fmt " chunk
DWORD dwDataSize; // size of "data" chunk
WAVEFORMAT *pFormat; // pointer to memory for "fmt " chunk
HPSTR lpData; // pointer to memory for "data" chunk
/* Get the filename from the edit control
/* Open the given file for reading with buffered I/O
* using the default internal buffer
if(!(hmmio = mmioOpen(szFileName, NULL, MMIO_READ | MMIO_ALLOCBUF))){
Error("Failed to open file.");
/* Locate a "RIFF" chunk with a "WAVE" form type
* to make sure the file is a WAVE file
mmckinfoParent.fccType = mmioFOURCC('W', 'A', 'V', 'E');
if (mmioDescend(hmmio, (LPMMCKINFO) &mmckinfoParent, NULL,
Error("This is not a WAVE file.");
mmioClose(hmmio, 0);
/* Find the "fmt " chunk (form type "fmt "); it must be
* a subchunk of the "RIFF" parent chunk
mmckinfoSubchunk.ckid = mmioFOURCC('f', 'm', 't', ' ');
if (mmioDescend(hmmio, &mmckinfoSubchunk, &mmckinfoParent,
Error("WAVE file has no "fmt " chunk.");
mmioClose(hmmio, 0);
/* Get the size of the "fmt " chunk--allocate and lock memory for it
dwFmtSize = mmckinfoSubchunk.cksize;
/* Read the "fmt " chunk
if (mmioRead(hmmio, (HPSTR) pFormat, dwFmtSize) != dwFmtSize){
Error("Failed to read format chunk.");
mmioClose(hmmio, 0);
/* Ascend out of the "fmt " subchunk
mmioAscend(hmmio, &mmckinfoSubchunk 0);
/* Find the data subchunk. The current file position
* should be at the beginning of the data chunk
mmckinfoSubchunk.ckid = mmioFOURCC('d', 'a', 't', 'a');
if (mmioDescend(hmmio, &mmckinfoSubchunk, &mmckinfoParent,
Error("WAVE file has no data chunk.");
mmioClose(hmmio, 0);
/* Get the size of the data subchunk
dwDataSize = mmckinfoSubchunk.cksize;
if (dwDataSize == 0L){
Error("The data chunk contains no data.");
mmioClose(hmmio, 0);
/* Open a waveform output device
/* Allocate and lock memory for the waveform data
/* Read the waveform data subchunk
if(mmioRead(hmmio, (HPSTR) lpData, dwDataSize) != dwDataSize){
Error("Failed to read data chunk.");
mmioClose(hmmio, 0);
/* Close the file
mmioClose(hmmio, 0);
/* Reverse the sound and play it