Chapter 51 Painting and Drawing

This overview is not available for this release.

When it is complete, the overview will discuss the following functions:

Function Description

BeginPaint Prepares a window for painting
CopyRect Copies the dimensions of a rectangle
DrawEscape Allows direct access to device
DrawFocusRect Draws a rectangle in the focus style
DrawIcon Draws an icon in the specified device context
DrawText Draws formatted text in a rectangle
EndPaint Marks end of painting in the specified window
EqualRect Compares two rectangles
ExcludeUpdateRgn Excludes updated region from clipping region
GdiFlush Flushes the current GDI batch
GdiGetBatchLimit Returns number of buffered GDI functions
GdiSetBatchLimit Sets number of buffered GDI functions
GetBkColor Retrieves the current background color
GetBkMode Retrieves the background mode
GetDC Returns window device-context handle
GetROP2 Retrieves the current drawing mode
GetUpdateRect Returns window update region dimensions
GetUpdateRgn Returns window update region
GetWindowDC Returns window device context
GrayString Draws gray text at the specified location
InflateRect Changes rectangle dimensions
IntersectRect Calculates a rectangle intersection
InvalidateRect Adds a rectangle to the update region
InvalidateRgn Adds a region to the update region
IsRectEmpty Determines whether rectangle is empty
LockWindowUpdate Disables or reenables drawing in a window
OffsetRect Moves a rectangle by an offset
OutputProc Outputs text for the GrayString function
PtInRect Determines if a point is in a rectangle
ReleaseDC Frees a device context
SetBkColor Sets the current background color
SetBkMode Sets the background mode
SetRect Sets a rectangle's dimensions
SetRectEmpty Creates an empty rectangle
SetROP2 Sets the current drawing mode
SetWindowRgn Sets a window to clipping-region shape
UnionRect Creates the union of two rectangles
UpdateWindow Updates a window's client area
ValidateRect Removes a rectangle from the update region
ValidateRgn Removes a region from the update region
WindowFromDC Returns a window for a device context