Chapter 57 Clipboard

This overview is not available for this release.

When it is complete, the overview will discuss the following functions:

Function Description

ChangeClipboardChain Removes a window from clipboard-viewer chain
CloseClipboard Closes the clipboard
CountClipboardFormats Returns the number of clipboard formats
EmptyClipboard Empties the clipboard and frees data handles
EnumClipboardFormats Returns available clipboard formats
GetClipboardData Returns a handle to clipboard data
GetClipboardFormatName Returns registered clipboard format name
GetClipboardOwner Returns clipboard owner window handle
GetClipboardViewer Returns first clipboard viewer window handle
GetOpenClipboardWindow Returns handle to window that opened clipboard
GetPriorityClipboardFormat Returns first clipboard format
IsClipboardFormatAvailable Determines if a format is available
OpenClipboard Opens the clipboard
RegisterClipboardFormat Registers a new clipboard format
SetClipboardData Sets the data in the clipboard
SetClipboardViewer Adds a window to the clipboard-viewer chain