17.4 Functions

Function Description

PeekConsoleInput Read data from the input buffer without removing it.
ReadConsoleInput Read at least one event from the input buffer.
WriteConsoleInput Place events into the input buffer behind any existing events in the buffer.
ReadConsoleOutput Read a block of characters and their attributes from a rectangular region of a screen buffer into a buffer.
WriteConsoleOutput Write a block of characters and their attributes from a buffer into a rectangular region of a screen buffer.
ReadConsoleOutputCharacter Read a string of consecutive characters from a specified location in a screen buffer.
ReadConsoleOutputAttribute Read a string of consecutive character attributes from a specified location in a screen buffer.
WriteConsoleOutputCharacter Write a string of consecutive characters to a specified location in a screen buffer.
WriteConsoleOutputAttribute Write a string of consecutive character attributes to a specified location in a screen buffer.
FillConsoleOutputCharacter Write a character to a specified number of consecutive character cells in a screen buffer.
FillConsoleOutputAttribute Write a character attribute to a specified number of consecutive character cells in a screen buffer.
GetConsoleMode Get a mask indicating the current mode of a console input buffer or an output screen buffer.
GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents Returns the number of pending events in the input buffer.
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo Returns information about a screen buffer, including its size in character rows and columns, cursor position, the location of its window, its default text display attribute.
GetLargestConsoleWindowSize Returns the size in character rows and columns of the largest window that can fit on the display given the current font.
GetConsoleCursorInfo Returns the size and visibility of the cursor for the specified screen buffer.
GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons Returns the number of mouse buttons.
SetConsoleMode Sets the mode for either an input or an output console handle.
SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer Specifies the screen buffer that will be displayed.
FlushConsoleInputBuffer Empty the input buffer.
SetConsoleScreenBufferSize Set the size in character rows and columns of a screen buffer.
SetConsoleCursorPosition Set the cursor position for a screen buffer, which is the character cell to which ReadFile or WriteFile will write.
SetConsoleCursorInfo Sets the size and visibility of the cursor for the specified screen buffer.
ScrollConsoleScreenBuffer Move characters and attributes from a rectangular region of a screen buffer to a new location. Copying at the new location can be clipped to the dimensions of a clip rectangle.
SetConsoleWindowInfo Set the location of a console window in terms of the coordinate system of its screen buffer using either absolute coordinates or deltas.
SetConsoleTextAttribute Specify the attributes (color) for text subsequently written by WriteFile or ReadFile.
SetConsoleCtrlHandler Add or remove a Ctrl-C and Ctrl-Break handler for the calling process.
AllocConsole Create a console for the calling process if one does not exist.
FreeConsole Free the console of the calling process.
GetConsoleTitle Returns the title of a console window.
SetConsoleTitle Sets the title of a console window.
CreateConsoleScreenBuffer Creates a new screen buffer for console output.