
  BOOL OffsetRect(lprc, X, Y)    
  LPRECT lprc; /* address of structure with rectangle */
  int X; /* horizontal offset */
  int Y; /* vertical offset */

This function moves the given rectangle by the specified offsets. The OffsetRect function moves the rectangle X units along the x-axis and Y units along the y-axis. The X and Y parameters are signed values, so the rectangle can be moved left or right, and up or down.



Points to a RECT structure that contains the rectangle to be moved.


Specifies the amount to move left or right. It must be negative to move left.


Specifies the amount to move up or down. It must be negative to move up.

Return Value

FALSE on error, TRUE on success


The coordinate values of a rectangle must not be greater than MAXCOORD or less than MINCOORD. The X and Y parameters must be chosen carefully to prevent invalid rectangles.