This message, sent by a client application, informs a server application that the specified item, or a particular clipboard format for the item, should no longer be updated. This terminates the warm or hot link for the specified item.



Identifies the sending window.


Specifies the data-request item to be canceled.

Argument Description

aItem High-order word of lParam. An atom that specifies the data for which the update request is being retracted. When aItem is NULL, all active WM_DDE_ADVISE conversations associated with the client are to be terminated.
cfFormat Low-order word of lParam. The clipboard format of the item that specifies the clipboard format for which the update request is being retracted. When cfFormat is NULL, all active WM_DDE_ADVISE conversations for the item are to be terminated.


Post the WM_DDE_UNADVISE message by calling the PostMessage function, not SendMessage.

Allocate aItem by calling the GlobalAddAtom function.


Post the WM_DDE_ACK message to respond positively or negatively. When posting WM_DDE_ACK, reuse the aItem atom or delete it and create a new one.