last chance notification:The last time the kernel notifies the debugger of an exception. If the debugger does not handle an exception after last chance notification, the kernel terminates the process being debugged.

line:A set of highlighted pixels on a video display or a series of dots on a page of printer paper that is defined by two points: a starting point and an ending point.

line attributes:A line's width, color, style, and (in the case of geometric lines) end-cap, and join style.

LIST chunk:A RIFF chunk with a chunk ID of LIST. LIST chunks contain a series of subchunks.

list type:A four-character code (FOURCC) identifying the type of data contained in a RIFF chunk with a chunk ID of LIST. For example, a LIST chunk with a list type of INFO contains a list of information about a file, such as the creation date and author.

load-time linking:Dynamic linking that occurs as a result of an explicit reference to a DLL function in the code of a process. This requires that the executable module for the process be built by linking with an import library or by getting information about the DLL from a module definition file. The DLL and the specified functions in it must be located and mapped into the address space of the process when it starts up, or else the process is terminated by the system.

logical brush:A description of an 8-pixel by 8-pixel bitmap. A logical brush can be selected into a device context.

logical coordinate-space:Another name for the world coordinate-space. (This was the name used in prior versions of Windows to refer to the page-coordinate space.)

logical palette:An array of colors that can be selected into a device context and used for graphic output.