
  LRESULT CallNextHookEx(hhk, nCode, wParam, lParam)    
  HHOOK hhk; /* identifies the current hook */
  int nCode; /* action code passed to hook */
  WPARAM wParam; /* wParam passed to hook */
  LPARAM lParam; /* lParam passed to hook */

The CallNextHookEx function calls the next hook in the chain for the specified hook.



Identifies the current hook, as passed to this hook procedure.


Identifies the action code passed to this hook.


Part of the hook parameters passed to this hook.


Part of the hook parameters passed to this hook.

Return Value

The return value is the value returned by the called hook. The current hook procedure should also return this value. The return value is hook specific; see the individual hook descriptions for more information.


Hooks are installed in chains for particular hook types. This function calls the next hook in the chain. An application may call this function as the last thing it does in its own hook procedure, it may call this function and do additional processing after the function returns, or it may choose not to call the next hook at all.

See Also

SetWindowsHook, SetWindowsHookEx, UnhookWindowsHook, UnhookWindowsHookEx