
  MMRESULT waveOutPause(hWaveOut)    
  HWAVEOUT hWaveOut;    

The waveOutPause function pauses playback on a specified waveform output device. The current playback position is saved. Use waveOutRestart to resume playback from the current playback position.



Specifies a handle to the waveform output device.

Return Value

Returns zero if the function was successful. Otherwise, it returns an error number. Possible error returns are:

Value Meaning

MMSYSERR_INVALHANDLE Specified device handle is invalid.
MMSYSERR_HANDLEBUSY The handle hWaveOut is in use on another thread.


Calling this function when the output is already paused has no effect, and the function returns zero.

See Also

waveOutRestart, waveOutBreakLoop