typedef struct tagCONVINFO { /* ci */


DWORD hUser;

HCONV hConvPartner;

HSZ hszSvcPartner;

HSZ hszServiceReq;

HSZ hszTopic;

HSZ hszItem;

UINT wFmt;

UINT wType;

UINT wStatus;

UINT wConvst;

UINT wLastError;




The CONVINFO structure contains information about a DDE conversation.



Specifies the length of the structure (in bytes).


Identifies application-defined data.


Identifies the partner application in the DDE conversation. This member is set to 0 if the partner has not registered itself (using the DdeInitialize function) to make DDE Management Library (DDEML) function calls. An application should not pass this member to any DDEML function except DdeQueryConvInfo.


Identifies the service name of the partner application.


Identifies the service name of the server application that was requested for connection.


Identifies the name of the requested topic.


Identifies the name of the requested item. This member is transaction-specific.


Specifies the format of the data being exchanged. This member is transaction-specific.


Specifies the type of the current transaction. This member is transaction-specific; it can be one of the following values:

Value Meaning

XTYP_ADVDATA Informs a client that advise data from a server has arrived.
XTYP_ADVREQ Requests that a server send updated data to the client during an advise loop. This transaction results when the server calls the DdePostAdvise function.
XTYP_ADVSTART Requests that a server begin an advise loop with a client.
XTYP_ADVSTOP Notifies a server that an advise loop is stopping.
XTYP_CONNECT Requests that a server establish a conversation with a client.
XTYP_CONNECT_CONFIRM Notifies a server that a conversation with a client has been established.
XTYP_DISCONNECT Notifies a server that a conversation has terminated.
XTYP_EXECUTE Requests that a server execute a command sent by a client.
XTYP_MONITOR Notifies an application registered as APPCMD_MONITOR of DDE data being transmitted.
XTYP_POKE Requests that a server accept unsolicited data from a client.
XTYP_REGISTER Notifies other DDEML applications that a server has registered a service name.
XTYP_REQUEST Requests that a server send data to a client.
XTYP_UNREGISTER Notifies other DDEML applications that a server has unregistered a service name.
XTYP_WILDCONNECT Requests that a server establish multiple conversations with the same client.
XTYP_XACT_COMPLETE Notifies a client that an asynchronous data transaction has completed.


Specifies the status of the current conversation. This member can be a combination of the following values:

Value Meaning

ST_ADVISE One or more links are in progress.
ST_BLOCKED The conversation is blocked.
ST_BLOCKNEXT The conversation will block after calling the next callback.
ST_CLIENT The conversation handle passed to the DdeQueryConvInfo function is a client side handle. If the handle is 0, the conversation handle passed to the DdeQueryConvInfo function is a server side handle.
ST_CONNECTED The conversation is connected.
ST_INLIST The conversation is a member of a conversation list.
ST_ISLOCAL Both sides of the conversation are using the DDEML.
ST_ISSELF Both sides of the conversation are using the same instance of the DDEML.
ST_TERMINATED The conversation has been terminated by the partner.


Specifies the conversation state. This member can be one of the following values:

Value Meaning

XST_ADVACKRCVD The advise transaction was just completed.
XST_ADVDATAACKRCVD The advise data transaction was just completed.
XST_ADVDATASENT Advise data has been sent and is awaiting an acknowledgement.
XST_ADVSENT An advise transaction is awaiting an acknowledgement.
XST_CONNECTED The conversation has no active transactions.
XST_DATARCVD The requested data has just been received.
XST_EXECACKRCVD An execute transaction just completed.
XST_EXECSENT An execute transaction is awaiting an acknowledgement.
XST_INCOMPLETE The last transaction failed.
XST_INIT1 Mid-initiate state 1.
XST_INIT2 Mid-initiate state 2.
XST_NULL Pre-initiate state.
XST_POKEACKRCVD A poke transaction was just completed.
XST_POKESENT A poke transaction is awaiting an acknowledgement.
XST_REQSENT A request transaction is awaiting an acknowledgement.
XST_UNADVACKRCVD An unadvise transaction just completed.
XST_UNADVSENT An unadvise transaction is awaiting an acknowledgement.


Specifies the error value associated with the last transaction.


Identifies the conversation list if the handle of the current conversation is in a conversation list. This member is NULL if the conversation is not in a conversation list.


Specifies the conversation context.

See Also