
  BOOL SetAclInformation(Acl, AclInformation, AclInformationLength, AclInformationClass)    
  PACL Acl;    
  LPVOID AclInformation;    
  DWORD AclInformationLength;    
  ACL_INFORMATION_CLASS AclInformationClass;    

The SetAclInformation function sets information about an ACL. An ACL is a security access control list.



Pointer to an existing ACL data structure. The function will set information for this ACL.

The ACL data structure has the following form:

typedef struct _ACL { /* acl */

BYTE AclRevision;

BYTE Sbz1;

WORD AclSize;

WORD AceCount;

WORD Sbz2;

} ACL;


Pointer to a buffer that contains the information to be set. The buffer must be aligned on at least a longword boundary. The actual structures in the buffer depend on the information class being set. See the discussion of the AclInformationClass parameter below.


Specifies the size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by AclInformation.


Specifies the class of information being set. The following values have meaning:

Value Meaning

  The buffer pointed to by AclInformation contains an ACL_REVISION_INFORMATION data structure. The ACL_REVISION_INFORMATION data structure has the following form:
  typedef struct _ACL_REVISION_INFORMATION {
DWORD AclRevision;

Return Value

The return value is TRUE if the function was successful, or FALSE if an error occurred. Use the GetLastError function to obtain extended error information.

See Also

AddAccessAllowedAce, AddAce, DeleteAce, GetAce, GetAclInformation, InitializeAcl, IsValidAcl