The WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message is sent to a window whose size, position, and/or Z order is about to change as a result of a call to SetWindowPos or other window-management function.



This parameter is not used.


Points to a WINDOWPOS data structure that contains information about the window's new size and position.

The WINDOWPOS structure has the following form:

typedef struct tagWINDOWPOS { /* wp */

HWND hwnd;

HWND hwndInsertAfter;

int x;

int y;

int cx;

int cy;

UINT flags;


Return Value

An application should return zero if it processes this message.


During this message, modifying any of the values in the WINDOWPOS structure affects the new size, position, or Z order. An application can prevent changes to the window by setting or clearing the appropriate bits in the flags member.

For a window with the WS_OVERLAPPED or WS_THICKFRAME style, the DefWindowProc function handles a WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message by sending a WM_GETMINMAXINFO message to the window. This is done to validate the new size and position of the window and to enforce the CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT and CS_BYTEALIGN client styles. An application can override this functionality by not passing the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING message to the DefWindowProc function.

See Also