Chapter 69 Fonts and Text

This overview is not available for this release.

When it is complete, the overview will discuss the following functions:

Function Description

AddFontModule Adds a font resource to module
AddFontResource Adds a font to the font table
CreateFont Creates a logical font
CreateFontIndirect Creates a font using LOGFONT structure
CreateScalableFontResource Creates resource file with font info
DrawText Draws formatted text in a rectangle
EnumFontFamilies Retrieves fonts in a specified family
EnumFonts Enumerates fonts on specified device
EnumFontsProc Processes font data
EnumNearestFonts Finds closest matching font
ExtCreateFontIndirect Creates an extended logical font
ExtTextOut Writes a character string in rectangular region
GetAspectRatioFilterEx Retrieves current aspect-ratio filter
GetCharABCWidths Retrieves widths of consecutive characters
GetCharABCWidthsFloat Retrieves widths of consecutive characters
GetCharWidth Retrieves character widths
GetCharWidthFloat Returns fractional character widths
GetDeviceCaps Retrieves device capabilities
GetFontData Retrieves font metric data
GetFontMapperControls Returns current font mapper control
GetGlyphOutline Retrieves data for individual outline character
GetKerningPairs Returns current font kerning pairs
GetOutlineTextMetrics Retrieves metrics for TrueType fonts
GetRasterizerCaps Retrieves status of TrueType on system
GetTabbedTextExtent Determines dimensions of tabbed string
GetTextAlign Retrieves text-alignment flags
GetTextCharacterExtra Retrieves intercharacter spacing
GetTextColor Retrieves current text color
GetTextExtentPoint Retrieves dimensions of string
GetTextExtentExPoint Retrieves an array of sub-string lengths
GetTextFace Retrieves typeface name of the current font
GetTextMetrics Retrieves the metrics for the current font
MulDiv Multiplies two values and divides the result
RemoveFontModule Removes fonts from font table
RemoveFontResource Removes font resource
SetFontMapperControls Sets process font mapper controls
SetMapperFlags Sets font-mapper flag
SetTextAlign Sets text-alignment flags
SetTextCharacterExtra Sets intercharacter spacing
SetTextColor Sets the foreground color of text
SetTextJustification Sets justification for text output
TabbedTextOut Writes a tabbed character string
TextOut Writes a character string at specified location
GetAspectRatioFilter Obsolete; use GetAspectRatioFilterEx
GetTextExtent Obsolete; use GetTextExtentPoint