80.2.3 Allocating and Preparing Audio Data Blocks

Some low-level audio functions require applications to allocate data blocks to pass to the device drivers for playback or recording purposes. Each of these functions uses a data structure (or header) to describe its data block. The following table identifies these functions and their associated header structures (the MMSYSTEM.H file defines the data structures for these headers):

Function Header Purpose

waveOutWrite WAVEHDR Waveform playback
waveInAddBuffer WAVEHDR Waveform recording
midiOutLongMsg MIDIHDR MIDI system-exclusive playback
midiInAddBuffer MIDIHDR MIDI system-exclusive recording

Before you use one of the functions listed above to pass a data block to a device driver, you must allocate memory for the data block according to the guidelines discussed in the following sections of this chapter. Allocating Memory for Audio Data Blocks

Before preparing a data block, you must allocate memory for the data block and the header structure that describes the data block.

To allocate memory, use GlobalAlloc with the GMEM_MOVEABLE and GMEM_SHARE flags to get a handle to the memory block. Then, pass this handle to GlobalLock to get a pointer to the memory block.

To free a data block, use GlobalUnlock and GlobalFree. Preparing Audio Data Blocks

Before you pass an audio data block to a device driver, you must prepare the data block by passing it to a . . . PrepareHeader function. When the device driver is finished with the data block and returns it, you must clean up this preparation by passing the data block to an . . . UnprepareHeader function before any allocated memory can be freed.

Windows provides the following functions for preparing and cleaning up audio data blocks:

Function Description

midiInPrepareHeader Prepares a MIDI input data block.
midiInUnprepareHeader Cleans up the preparation on a MIDI input data block.
midiOutPrepareHeader Prepares a MIDI output data block.
midiOutUnprepareHeader Cleans up the preparation on a MIDI output data block.
waveInPrepareHeader Prepares a waveform input data block.
waveInUnprepareHeader Cleans up the preparation on a waveform input data block.
waveOutPrepareHeader Prepares a waveform output data block.
waveOutUnprepareHeader Cleans up the preparation on a waveform output data block.